Indifference regarding the abuse of the Holy Eucharist.

Catholic hypocrisy continues on a large scale. A large number of Catholics are upset because a woman shared a fragment of the Eucharist with her pet, according to Father Laureano Barón, parish priest of Santo Domingo Savio in Bogata.

The same Catholics remain indifferent regarding their daily trampling over Jesus when they drop fragments of the Holy Eucharist on the floor. In their minds, it is okay to disrespectfully walk over Jesus but it is shameful to feed Jesus to a dog.

A sacrilege is a sacrilege. A mortal sin is a mortal sin. No one but the priest should be allowed to touch the Holy Eucharist with their hands.

Over the centuries, different Popes have threatened the faithful with excommunication for touching the Holy Eucharist with their hands. The number of Catholics who have not not been excommunicated can be counted on one's hand. Few Catholics make it to Heaven. The path to Heaven is indeed very narrow.